Cancellation policy

The cancellation policy allows the clients and the company to agree on certain terms and conditions for the cancellation of the order. At DAIBHIDH LTD, we are totally aware of the fact that sometimes, plans get canceled or changed due to certain reasons that can be surely justified. Keeping that in consideration, we have provided a cancellation policy for the seamless customer journey to enhance the shopping experience and satisfaction of the customers. We offer a comprehensive cancellation policy, and please ensure that you adhere to these rules while canceling any order on our website. 

  • The time period of Cancellation 

It is important to mention that clients have all the rights to cancel their orders, but it is allowed to be done within a specific period of time. We start to work on your package as soon as you place your order, so you can cancel the order within two days or as soon as possible to avoid any other circumstances.  We encourage you to read about the cancellation policy in detail before placing your order, as some orders can be canceled without paying any fee, and some require a fee for canceling the order. 

If you cancel the order within the destined time period, then the clients will receive a full refund, but that does not include other charges, such as processing charges, which are applicable to some products. 

If the cancellation occurs outside the destined time period, then clients will receive a partial amount of refund. The exact refund charges and other processing charges will be communicated with clients upon contact according to the type of products that were ordered in the first place. 

Some orders are non-refundable if they are placed during a sale season or if the products fall under certain promotions. You will be notified about 

  • Cancellation Method 

If you feel the need to cancel the order, you can cancel by adopting different cancellation methods. 

  1. You may call our customer services team. 
  2. You may send us an email to process your cancellation request. 
  3. You can also head to our online booking management system available on the website to cancel the order or to resolve any sort of query. 
  • Time of Refund and Exceptions 

We will adhere to the cancellation of the order and start working on refunding the order as soon as possible, but it takes two to three business days to process, depending upon the method of payment. For events that are beyond our control, including natural disasters, strikes, protests, or medical emergencies, we offer an alternative to the order. We may offer any other feasible option depending upon your order and products to compensate for your loss in the best way possible in unavoidable circumstances.
