The Brand covers both the UK & International community (North & South America, Caribbean, Africa, Asia & Oceania).
    We accept major currencies of the World (US Dollars, UK Pounds Sterling, Canadian Dollars, Australian Dollars, New Zealand Dollars, Japanese Yen, Singapore Dollars, South Korean Won & other currencies) but please check your exchange rate when placing orders for currency charge when purchasing other than the UK Pound. Also accept Mastercard both credit & debit cards, VISA debit or credit cards too.
    Please read our return policy & terms and conditions on the website page. And also our refund policy. Please note underwears especially are not returnable or money refunded.
    We use our trusted partners FedEx & UPS courier services; The earliest delivery services is within 24 hours but that comes with a cost. Then 3-5 working days & within 7 days delivery options. We intend to do more offers & promotions from time to time as regards shipping cost & products offers. So please check the website regularly to see what offers you can grab at a time.
    Sure why not, Daibhidh Brand comes with “PURE EXCELLENCE”. Be it a customed made wedding rings, engagement rings, wedding dresses, shoes, watches etc we do it ALL. Just contact us through our contact or fill the online form with your Full Name, Contact Phone Number & a brief details or summary & we’ll get back to you within 1 Working day to discuss your needs. We serve our customers & sometimes you just want something special, different & unique we come in & make it happen.
    We are seriously working on it to provide more products on the website for customers. Please visit the site often to check for more varied products. Most of our products will be available from March onwards especially those which are not currently on the site at the moment.
    Our App is still being developed at the moment & will be ready shortly.
    No, we are not employing at the moment but as all posts have been filled in but in the near future we’ll be employing in different position. Please have an eye on the website as most vacancies will be advertised on there. We also plan to set up stores outside the UK soon so would employ local people wherever we have a presence. But we are starting from the UK first Scotland to be precise.
    Yes, anyone with the looks & confidence who can stand in front of the camera & not being shy but bold can model our products. Please do get in touch if interested through the site.
    Our products are well sourced quality items for the customers we serve so our products are from around the World not just a single source.
    Daibhidh Brand is an online retail store at the moment, we aim to open stores across the UK starting from first Edinburgh, Glasgow & London soon in the next future.
    Daibhidh is the name of the Brand itself & the Trading Name. The word Daibhidh is the Scottish Gaelic for David in English. So Daibhidh himself is a Model who decided to start his own Brand Beauty & Fashion Brand Business. DAIBHIDH Ltd is the company itself formed from the name Daibhidh with Companies House Registration Number SC770809 with VAT Registration Number 452 0967 89.