Refund policy

Here at DAIBHIDH LTD, we completely understand that, occasionally, plans need to be modified or altered for valid reasons that call for a refund. In order to improve the shopping experience and customer happiness, we have introduced our refund policy for the seamless customer journey. We provide a thorough refund policy, so before heading for a refund on our website, please make sure you follow these guidelines. We accept the requests for refunds only if they meet the following conditions:

  • Refunding is based on the type of product. All customers can quickly contact our customer support team within 3 to 4 business days after ordering the product If they have received a damaged, defective, or incorrect item. In that case, we will be offering a refund or replacement, or any other alternative, as per your preference.
  • All customers can also cancel an order within the allotted time period and request a refund, but that should be done within that allotted time period of 1 to 2 days, as after the shipment, an order cannot be canceled or refunded. In case of cancellation, please refer to our cancellation policy. 
  • You can also apply for a refund if it is a matter of size and fit. If the clothes that you have ordered do not fit, you can request a different one or exchange for the correct size, but refunding does not include shipping fees.

We offer a comprehensive relief and policy, but some products are nonrefundable.

  • Any customized or personalized item that you have ordered cannot be refunded.
  • Products ordered in the clearance sale or any other sale or promotion cannot be refunded.
  • Beauty and skin care products and perfumes that have been opened cannot be refunded.
  • Jewelry and lingerie items are also restricted to nonrefundable items for hygiene reasons. 
  • You can initiate a refund process through a proper channel by contacting our customer support team within the specific time period of three to four business days if the products meet the criteria of refund.
  • Upon the approval of the request, our team will contact you and offer you instructions about returning the product safely. It is pertinent to mention that we will not pay to cover the cost of shipping unless the defect or damage is on our part.
  • Once we receive the item, our team will make sure that the item meets the criteria of refunding.  If the item meets the criteria, we will make a refund. 
  • Please bear in mind that a refund takes time to be processed depending on the type of product, but it usually takes three to four business days to complete the refund process after we receive the item. 
  • If you have any other questions or need any other assistance with regard to a refund, please feel free to contact our customer support team. Suppose we make changes to this refund policy. In that case, you will be notified about any updates or modifications within the refund policy, which will be posted on our website and official social media pages.

Please get in touch with our customer service staff if you need any help or if you have any more questions about a return. DAIBHIDH LTD has all the rights to modify this return policy. If such is the case, you will receive notice of any updates or changes to the return policy through posts on our official social media accounts and website. 
